Thursday, March 6, 2014

Digital Companion

I remember, only a few years ago, when I didn't have texting or internet on my phone. It was NOT that long ago. I vowed when I got an iPhone that I would not be one of "those" people who always had their phones in their hands and couldn't go anywhere without it. Here we are in 2014 and my phone is right next to me. While my phone usage has definitely increased since I got this phone a few years back, I have made an honest effort to not be addicted to my technology in place of my son. In 15 years from now, the phones will be smaller, faster, and who knows what else, but I will never have my son, here, in this very moment again. My pastor said something that really struck a chord with me. He said,"Be here now." Be present where you are and with whom you're spending time. I never think it's fair to be somewhere physically with someone, but to know that their mind is entangled within the mysterious phone conversation they are having across the table. I, and others, have often said that everything seems so different these days than it used to. I think the difference is our absence of mind in the moment. We're so worried about posting a status, uploading pictures, shopping, games, etc. that we miss our very own lives. Don't be so busy trying to have a life that you miss the one you're living. Tonight, maybe instead of having your constant digital companion next to you at the dinner table, leave it in the bedroom during dinner--it will be there when you're finished eating (I promise). Have a "phone free evening" with your family here now.

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