Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday Challenge

Good morning! Yesterday, I was out and about, and someone gave me a compliment about my son. Now for me, there are few things that make me beam with pride like I do when someone shows kindness to my son. Whether they know it or not, complimenting him is paying me the highest compliment I could receive. For today's challenge, I want you to give someone a genuine compliment. This may seem really easy, but I'm not talking about "nice shoes" here, people. Give this some thought. Think about how this person uses his/her time. What do they work really hard at accomplishing? Perhaps this individual keeps falling short of their goal, but they don't throw in the towel. Tell them that you really admire their dedication to their goal and that their dedication is very inspiring to you. Let them know that you notice and see them. The important thing is to be genuine! Don't make up anything! It's truly amazing how many people feel unnoticed and unappreciated. When someone does this for me, it gives me such a boost in confidence that I find myself being kinder and more energetic. Kindness is contagious! Be Kind, Candice

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