Saturday, March 1, 2014

{saturday stitching}

Happy Saturday!  Well, here we are.  It is March in the Midwest and we are about to embark upon yet another winter storm.  There is a positive to being snowed in--crocheting! I love all of the chevron projects floating about on Pinterest.  It reminded me of my very first crocheted blanket--the ripple afghan.  I got the handwritten pattern from my mom, who got it from her grandmother.  This is one of my favorite patterns because any beginner crocheter can do this and feel very proud and accomplished.  It also makes a great gift for a baby shower or wedding.  There was only one problem with Granny Jones' pattern--it was huge!!  I've wanted to downsize this pattern for while so it would be more appropriate for a child, for instance.  Before I went about doing any math, I Googled.  I stumbled upon a fabulous tutorial  here.  She spells out exactly how to create your own size afghan in the chevron pattern.  Thank you, thank you!  Here is my work in progress.  

Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Challenge

Good morning! I am new to blogging, and I must say, I am really enjoying it!  I am trying to get a feel for how I'd like to organize and run it, so I have decided to do a weekly challenge.  On Fridays, I will post something challenging you to do something kind for someone.  Let me know what you think of this! Here is the first one:

 How does it make you feel to receive something in your mailbox that isn't a sale ad or bill, but from someone who cares for you?
So, yesterday in the mail, I got a lovely surprise: a homemade card!  Well, it was actually to my son, but at the ripe old age of 16 months, I had to read it to him (I think he is behind all of the other kids hehe).  I'd like to say that my friend, Bethany, has been "schooling" me (she'll enjoy comment since she is an English teacher) on paying it forward and giving kindness just for the sake of brightening someone's day.  It disturbs me to think that that has become a foreign concept in today's society.  Yes, we must teach kindness, but showing it to others is far more effective.  She is so faithful in sending thoughtful things via snail mail--yes, the mail!  Can you imagine?  People really do use paper and stamps! Do you know where your nearest mailbox is (jk)?  I absolutely LOVE her cards.  They always have a simple message inside, but they make me feel appreciated, cared for, and time-worthy--now THAT is definitely worth the price of a stamp!.  You don't have to be a mega-crafter like she is--I always tease her about that.  A pen and paper will do.  That's right, just writing down a quick thought about someone shows that individual that you think enough of them as a person to tell them about it--with more effort than clicking send via text or email.  My challenge for you today is to send someone a piece of mail that may brighten his/her day who could use a little brightening.  Be that light.
Happy Friday,

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cranberry Apple Chicken Salad

 Hello, everyone!  I was planning to have "the girls" and their babies join Collin (my little man) and me for lunch on Saturday afternoon, but I ended up having to cancel due to the arrival of an untimely cold.  However, I had already prepared the food the afternoon before and took a picture.  On that note, it is very difficult to please and satisfy everyone's tastes, so I had to come up with something delicious and easy (I'm always a fan of easy food, right?). I LOVE chicken salad and I think it's pretty popular amongst other folks as well.  Here is my recipe:

-1 rotisserie chicken (remove skin and shred)---That's right, you don't have to cook any chicken! Yay!
-2 cups of red seedless grapes (sliced)
-2 cups of celery (about 5 stalks)
-1 cup of dried cranberries
-1 apple (I used a Granny Smith) diced and soaked in 1 tbs. of lemon juice to 1 cup of water for 3-5 minutes to prevent it from browning. That's a nifty piece of information, isn't it?? =) I thought so too!
-2 heaping spoonfuls of sweet relish
-salt and pepper to taste
- about 1 cup of mayonnaise with olive oil (I don't use regular mayonnaise.) You may want to add more or less depending on your desired consistency.
-bread or rolls of choice (I used bakery fresh wheat bolillos.  I forgot to take a picture of them.  They are very similar to a baguette.)
-sliced almonds or pecans (I did not add nuts to mine this time; I wasn't sure if everyone liked them, but I missed them!)

Shred your chicken in the bowl you will use to mix the salad.  I always try to use as few dishes as possible.  Why create more work for yourself??After you have sliced and diced, add them all to that bowl where the chicken has been patiently waiting.  It's mayonnaise time!  Use your own discretion here, people.  I don't like a dry chicken salad, so I added a little more than one cup.  Give that lovely salad a dusting of salt and pepper (again, do this to your taste).  After it's all mixed and delicious, clean up the sides of your bowl so you have a neat presentation.  Crack some more pepper over the top to give it that "bistro" look.  I like to place my rolls or bread in a bowl (pre-sliced for my guests' convenience) with a towel and let my guests prepare their sandwiches. I hope you enjoy this recipe.  It was something I whipped up and would love some feedback on your results.  On my next chicken salad expedition, I would like to try this with some vanilla greek yogurt.....
Live Lovely,